GO DOGECAR GO! https://t.co/STNl2WIDRi
@BryceWeiner @CoinChomp I recommend moving to somewhere near the Arctic Circle.
@yourcryptotruth @CoinChomp No updates that I’ve seen, you’ll probably want to follow @matthew_d_green to get news straight from the source.

NASCAR Nicely done, @dogecoin.
cc: @Josh_Wise @reddit
#NASCAR #MuchDraft #VeryDega pic.twitter.com/rna3Z5Jm4d
@PGuru714 Yeah, it’s neat to observe a trustless and transparent financial free market. Gonna give economists quite a bit of data :-)
@PGuru714 We can detect the vast majority of nodes, though it’s not an exact science. I’m trying to shed light on network load.
@PGuru714 I think any business with a model dependent upon using blockchain will run their own node(s) for the purposes of trust / security.
@PGuru714 My counter argument is that it is trivial to spool up new nodes. Just myself and my close friends have resources to run hundreds.
@PGuru714 Certainly; it’s another aspect of Bitcoin that relies upon the will of the community to participate. This can be scary for many.
@PGuru714 In case you missed it, you might be interested in this article I wrote: http://t.co/DvnSfNjNTz
@PGuru714 There is no direct incentivization to run a non-mining full node. Some say it’s altruism. I say it’s indirect incentivization.
@PGuru714 I just realized that I overlooked p2pool mining nodes, of which there are at least 300. p2pool.info
@PGuru714 So, in effect, the number of “mining” nodes is probably < 100 nodes, AKA less than 1.5% of the total nodes. Just my guess.
@PGuru714 Well, a node is needed for mining, but since the advent of pooled mining, it’s no longer 1 node needed per mining machine.
@PGuru714 Mining difficulty self-adjusts every ~2 weeks (2016 blocks) and can adjust in either direction. FYI, mining is unrelated to nodes.
The deeper I dive into the Bitcoin network infrastructure, the more convinced I am that it is sound. Not worried about declining # of nodes.
Despite recent outcry about declining # of Bitcoin nodes, looks like the trend is only slowed, not reversed. https://t.co/AC2vG4FRtI
@chrisbro @cryptotraveler Hm; that might explain it, if @coinbase’s @CloudFlare integration is screwed up.
@cryptotraveler Works fine for me on my phone and laptop. Perhaps @coinbase updated their SSL cert and your phone has an old cached one?