@emilepetrone Yeah, tipping mainly occurs on /r/bitcoin. However, on /r/dogecoin, you can’t scroll a single page w/o seeing tipping.
It’s great to see the resurgence of bitcoin tipping now that community moved to using units of bits. Looks like dogecoin educated us. :-)
@mattmeis Currently have two so-so beers due to unexpectedly running dry last week. http://t.co/cBLWYu4WeU and http://t.co/2Ohj8N3i7o
@mattmeis Will do! Did you see I installed a @Kegbot in the @Bronto kegerator? It’s tweeting from @BrontoKegbot; will make a blog post soon.
@mattmeis I’m really into sours these days; my current fav is http://t.co/pVCz1q6dU2
RT @adam3us: nice #bitcoin summary paper covering many details you only find in source or #bitcoin-wizards minds by Chris Okupski http://t.…
@FEhrsam Interesting to see Fed’s viewpoint that Bitcoin is held back by the network effect whereas most users see it being propelled by it.
Federal Reserve: “[Bitcoin] volatility is likely to diminish over time.” http://t.co/rcNWReMeAo
@FEhrsam They got a few things wrong. “…all transactions [are] logged in a central and transparent block chain.”
@cryptotraveler oh look, the price just went up $10…
wikileaks @ggreenwald @johnjcook We will reveal the name of the censored country whose population is being mass recorded in 72 hours.