@abbydactyl all your base are belong to us
matthew_d_green I think it unlikely that an unknown hacker (a) identified the Truecrypt devs, (b) stole their signing key, (c) hacked their site.
@JtotheOE @BryceWeiner Have any thoughts on Darkcoin vs Monero?
RT @cynicalsecurity: So, the source diffs as noted by @MiodVallat and confirmed by my eyes consist of AbortProcess(“INSECURE_APP”);
RT @cynicalsecurity: For the curious the unidiff between 7.1a and 7.2 source is here: https://t.co/tkCdTjfcNw #TrueCrypt
runasand The signature of the TrueCrypt .exe was made on Tue May 27 12:58:45 2014 EDT using DSA key ID F0D6B1E0.
Can anyone out there in the crypto world confirm if TrueCrypt’s site has been hacked? truecrypt.sourceforge.net /cc @matthew_d_green
@mysizelindsey1 @dapak That is most certainly NOT cheese!
@CathyReisenwitz Your favorite Bitcoin Baron, @Mircea_Popescu, just got banned from Twitter for making a death threat against Andreas.
RT @balajis: MIA’s new video has 3D printed guns and drones center stage. An A-list #bitcoin rap video can’t be far behind. http://t.co/5I0…
RT @bendavenport: Very excited to announce I’ll be joining @mikebelshe and @willobrien at @BitGoInc! And to be full time on Bitcoin! http:/…
@mikestable That’s a very professional profile photo you’ve got thar
@Coinometrics Great analysis of 51% attack cost here that directly references your dashboard. https://t.co/EM9PHATAMe
@BjorkmanJesper No, I hadn’t - just watched it. Great analysis and a healthy dose of paranoia!
@Cryptolina Could also invite @TheBlueMatt since he’s in Chapel Hill. I’ll even provide transport, Matt ;-)

BrontoKegbot Latest @BrontoKegbot upgrade: 3D printed circuit board enclosures courtesy of @splat_space! pic.twitter.com/DNrGYWMPR6
@Cryptolina It’s probably a long shot, but I’d love to see @aantonop at NC’s first Bitcoin conference.
@tylerwinklevoss It would be a more solid argument if he used the appropriate capitalization of “Bitcoin.”
@TriangleBitcoin Local folks should check out @Cryptolina - first NC Bitcoin conference coming in August.
@PallidaMors76 @CoinChomp Be sure to check out the rest of the series: http://t.co/Q5vmCU9p1o
@Cryptolina If you are in need of technical speakers, I’m happy to help. My areas of expertise: http://t.co/6xf7NAyCd6
The first NC Bitcoin Expo will be held in Raleigh on August 15 & 16. Of course I’ll be attending @Cryptolina cryptolina.com