@mikestable Please tell me you took this photo.
@aantonop Alright, I’ll hop over to DC to meet you at @BitcoinBeltway - don’t be surprised if I bug you about speaking at @Cryptolina :-)
@BTCFoundation has released their 2013 IRS Form 990. https://t.co/7fMWvZAlaX
@cryptotraveler Certainly, a transparent centralized exchange that follows best practices is far superior to the mess that was GOX.
@paulbaumgart @pmarca I mused upon Death and Taxes last fall: https://t.co/norugZmmJX
@cryptotraveler No GOX, but we still rely upon centralized exchanges… only a matter of time before the next one buckles under the load.
HiddenCashNC Follow @HiddenCashNC we will be doing drops all over the state
At this rate, Lopp Holdings may not have another chance to lower its Bitcoin cost basis below $630…
@barrysilbert I want beer for my bitcoins from @FortnightBeer @fullsteam @mysterybrewing @trianglebrewing @carolinabrewery @tylerstaproom
@cryptotraveler @UncontrolRisk Obviously by “one share” he meant 1 bit. Which is currently trading for $0.006. Professor Bitcorn wins again!
@mark_a_howard @tim_cook @pschiller Apple did? I’m not sure I would trust Apple crypto hardware unless the architecture was opened for audit
@btcplanet @DarkcoinCrypto @monerocurrency @ZerocoinProject I haven’t; new crypto is coming out faster than I keep up with. Will investigate
@cryptotraveler @jessevanek @adam3us I guess implementation is key. It needs to be even easier to do than typing a captcha.
@cryptotraveler @jessevanek Well… @adam3us wrote HashCash as a DoS / anti-spam measure, but it never took off. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hashcash
@pig_poetry Can this generate a printable file that we could take to @splat_space?
@jessevanek Yes, and I hope that this becomes a standard. The Bitcoin wiki, for example, requires a 1 millibit tx to unlock edit access.
@btcplanet @DarkcoinCrypto @monerocurrency @ZerocoinProject In general, trying to determine qualifications of the dev teams.

This captcha arms race is getting out of control. i.imgur.com/8WqkpVe.gif

coinffeine And @coinffeine was born! @gotoalberto shows the paper wallet we have used to do it. pic.twitter.com/BT24nXk7kV
@davidlatapie @monerocurrency @DarkcoinCrypto @ZerocoinProject I see you’re trying to improve upon Risto’s SSS - I’m a fan.
@tim_cook @pschiller It’s funny that Apple thinks banning Bitcoin wallets is a good business decision.
@fluffyponyza @monerocurrency Happy to continue chatting elsewhere when I can devote more time. Lots of people seem excited about MRO.
@fluffyponyza @monerocurrency Anonymity is fine, as Bitcoin grew despite Satoshi’s anonymity. But it took years to bootstrap and gain a rep.
@monerocurrency @DarkcoinCrypto @ZerocoinProject If the anon devs had lengthy histories / reputations, I could overlook the anonymity.
@monerocurrency @DarkcoinCrypto @ZerocoinProject As a potential investor, I want to vet the devs. “NoodleDoodle” doesn’t inspire confidence.
@Bytecoin_BCN @monerocurrency @DarkcoinCrypto @ZerocoinProject It certainly appears so, though I haven’t done a full code review yet.
@monerocurrency @DarkcoinCrypto @ZerocoinProject This is not to say that they definitely are not qualified; I’m just not convinced.
@monerocurrency @DarkcoinCrypto @ZerocoinProject After perusing MRO commits, I still have no reason to believe the MRO devs are qualified
@monerocurrency Unlike @DarkcoinCrypto and @ZerocoinProject, it appears MRO devs are anon. Yet we know they did not create Bytecoin.
@monerocurrency @DarkcoinCrypto @ZerocoinProject Sure. While Monero appears to have superior obfuscation algorithm, my issue is w/the devs.
RIP @Cheezburger API; our FAILBlog integration will be missed by @Bronto engineers.