@knucklesandwich She’s obviously a Dogecoiner in disguise.
@CharlieShrem @emilepetrone I can’t legally sell my wine, though I may be able to ship some to you. Cost isn’t an issue - it’s cheap to make
@Kosmatos @cryptotraveler <sigh> and this is just pointless: https://t.co/ResHnvQKdd

@CharlieShrem @emilepetrone @Bronto Should be doable - I’m told that I make the finest Bathroom Wine in the land. i.imgur.com/fgERWSD.jpg
@emilepetrone I guess what I’m hoping for is an internet-enabled version of keg-meter.com to keep track of how full our kegs are.
@emilepetrone I hear that there may be some sensors available for using in kegerators… preferably with Internet-enabled APIs…
@emilepetrone I make wine, which is all done @ room temp. However, we’re thinking of doing a Hack Week project w/the @Bronto kegerator…
@CharlieShrem Hopefully we can all learn from this. Decentralize all the things; disperse all the power; flatten all the hierarchies!
@CharlieShrem Why support a centralized “foundation” that lends itself to such strife? Isn’t the very existence of this org hypocritical?
@AlexJamesFitz @jgarzik Wish I could have donated more than $100 to @jaredpolis ;-)

Magnus919 What I don’t understand is how the ping pong ball got up there in the first place. #bronto @lopp @dawleywood pic.twitter.com/iJarJNkPuL
One overlooked aspect of the FEC’s decision yesterday: it allows PACs to purchase bitcoins as an investment vehicle. http://t.co/x2aaBjRQUP
IIRC, 2 @BTCFoundation board members resigned due to scandal & a newly elected member already has scandalous history? grab_popcorn.jpg.to/gif
@blockchain @coindesk Doesn’t do a great job explaining why we actually need nodes, IMO. I recommend http://t.co/DvnSfNjNTz
@cryptotraveler Bitcoin is a protocol. People will use it in the same way that they use TCP/IP.
I’ve been dreaming of the future, waking up in the middle of the night, and realizing what is missing. Bitcoin on the brain.
@cryptotraveler @USATODAY Click the logo to see why.
@flyosity Well… that looks comfortable. Neck strain much?