@danlowe I’m looking at stats_counts for my node’s bandwidth counter which is called every time data is sent or recv http://t.co/ITUyjqudFT
@danlowe Sure, but this is all on the same machine so packet loss seems unlikely.
If I’m reading this right, StatsD can handle 20M events per sec on 1 core CPU w/o breaking a sweat. Also, time to decrease my sampling rate.
@mikestable Solution is obvious: ban governments.
secparam The new zerocash protocol is faster & hides how much you transact, not just where it came from. We are presenting it at IEEES&P next Tuesday
Phase 2 of the Statoshi Project is now live at http://t.co/ibV9BoAm74 - learn more about it at http://t.co/J5y9dZydKx
@luke9971 @cryptotraveler Sounds like it /could/ work, I’d just like to see more of the implementation details. Might be code audit time.
@luke9971 @cryptotraveler IDK, I only see Proof of Stake, not an actual Proof of Service model. I see no proof that nodes operate honestly.
@luke9971 @cryptotraveler Link?
@MadBitcoins @jessevanek Sure, but all those leading zeroes make you sad when you check your account balance.
@jbeardsley @ameir or “Mark”
@port8333 Ah OK, so the crawling process doesn’t exclude nodes that already have connections open?
@emilyspaven @anjiecast @coindesk Glad you noted there are ~500 members; even better to note that this is less than 1% of Bitcoin users.
It appears that @port8333 connects & disconnects to my nodes every ~two minutes while crawling network. Why not just keep connection open?
TriangleBitcoin For tomorrow’s meetup @AmerUnderground: Tom from @risedurham will discuss accepting bitcoin. Plus donuts! 5:30. RSVP: trianglebitco.in