@danlowe Yep, it increased at around noon EST today.
@Magnus919 @Jeremy_DeGroot Yeah, but I nope’d right out in front of the storm band.
@safe4retirement FYI, this is how I invested in Bitcoin within my IRA. http://t.co/JPRIozvjJ9
@tuurdemeester I can understand buying crypto after a 3rd party fueled (Gox style) panic, but buying after a protocol failure seems risky.
@robustus @tuurdemeester I must agree with Dan. Monero seems a better implementation while Zerocash sounds like the holy grail.
Looks like the launch of Darkcoin “masternodes” was a fail. http://t.co/Gwmq7fF93z
@mikestable People who hold AMEX / airline / hotel points are not that different from those who hold gold or bitcoins http://t.co/hVXKHy9d93
“This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.†-Shakespeare
@Magnus919 Looks like the standard CYA prediction of spontaneous summer storms. I’ll be riding today.