polemitis 2/ @GoDecentral is 100% focused on cryptocurrency and blockchain based startups at the seed or ‘experimental’ stage.
polemitis 1/ I am excited to announce that we launched Decentralized Labs today (@GoDecentral); decentralized.com
RT @kyledrake: We are rate limiting the FCC to dialup modem speeds until they pay us for bandwidth https://t.co/PnYdl6wB6E
@BitcoinAverage Aw, are you saying I shouldn’t quit my day job?
Looks like the Statoshi project is garnering some interest. http://t.co/OGarzmtGwl
RT @BitRazvan: Statoshi, a #Bitcoin client fork for data and protocol nerds, by @lopp http://t.co/sN2rtRG1rI via @CoinChomp
davelevinthal FEC Chair Lee Goodman to @Publici: Bitcoin ruling a “pro-technology ruling.” FEC “has to keep up with technology.”
davelevinthal FEC votes 6-0 to allow pol committee to accept limited bitcoins.
@drewmikb Indeed, it is human tendency to analyze things with a linear perspective rather than an exponential perspective. Not their fault.
Energy req’d to achieve perfect software is analogous to attempting to attain the speed of light while obeying conventional laws of physics.
@pinguino @jgarzik Confirmed moon launch. http://t.co/1qrTfrRVK4
I have a theory that software engineering difficulty asymptotically approaches infinity as you approach perfection in terms of quality.
@drewmikb Some of the exact same comments we are seeing today at our current point in the cycle after a long downtrend. Despair! :-)
The cycle is repeating yet again. A blast from the past: “It’s the perfect time to buy bitcoins!” https://t.co/H48xFUv5Bv
RT @balajis: BasicCoin: a stripped down Bitcoin in 550 lines of Python for learning. Worth checking out! https://t.co/xnepuuC1yl http://t.c…