@mikestable crossfit! i.imgur.com/TUPDUkA.gif
I sum up several months of research with “The State of the Bitcoin Network” on @coinchomp http://t.co/ezHMHudyyZ
“You don’t know if your code is secure until it is securing something that’s actually valuable.” - @gavinandresen
Code is law. Math is law. Physics is law. The “laws” of humans are simply suggestions.
@anjiecast Walmart’s going to end up dealing with a lot of complaints… $300 for 10 GH/s is a ripoff.
The more I research @DarkcoinCrypto and @monerocurrency , the more disappointed I become. I shall continue to wait for @ZerocoinProject
TrueCrypt replacement options: https://t.co/B68UHGXZdM
@FnxTX @coinbase Ah, you mean lag time when using them as a wallet? Yeah, I don’t use them to make payments.
This is what happens when you try to blackmail a Bitcoin Baron. http://t.co/qWgLd9XVAv
RT @coinbase: DISH Teams Up with Coinbase to Become Largest Company to Accept Bitcoin - We’re excited to announce that… http://t.co/evlZy…