Signs that Bitcoin is still working as intended - cultivating unrestricted free trade. #KillerApp
RT @WTFpod: It’s true. WTF will match every dollar you donate this month to the EFF. They continue to defend podcasts in court! https://t.c…
Any privacy enhancing technology worth adopting will be adopted & beta tested by criminals long before it’s adopted by the public at large.
“Taler” aims to be an anonymous centralized token system that can be taxed by governments. NopeNopeNope.
@mikeinspace Though God / Advanced Beings likely have no use for your bitcoins. :-)
If the universe is a simulation run by advanced beings, how do we hack it? Perhaps the laws of physics are meant to be broken…
@PerianneDC Sooooo is Yellen on the “blockchain but not Bitcoin bandwagon?” Did you get any of her thoughts on Bitcoin itself?