@Steven_McKie Sounds like a mess.
Ethereum will keep operating regardless of a soft / hard / no fork. Only difference: we’ll have a better idea of what Ethereum actually is.
@twobitidiot Jargon is just an old-fashioned form of compression: necessary for twitter :-D
@oditorium @twobitidiot State is a pretty general term for “every piece of data comprising a system” so it should work.
@twobitidiot How about: a tamper evident database comprised of historical state changes.
@SDLerner I think what he meant was that the coinbase of block 9 was spent to create the transaction. Amateur phrasing error.
Craig Wright claimed to have met with Ross Ulbricht. Also claims that only 100K BTC are his. https://t.co/zFzlEDzOl5 https://t.co/q3fNYTXDQp
Several interesting claims & 1 dumb remark by the author. https://t.co/zFzlEDzOl5 https://t.co/JQNbsXeqKP