@masonic_tweets Ooh ooh, I know this one: it’s for scalability, right?
@AustenAllred Last I checked, quite a few people ascribe to the Keynesian theory that inflation is desirable. pic.twitter.com/wPqaQGjqKv
@jefft Next @bronto assassin? https://t.co/wKQ3gTXJUG
@paulg @BrendanEich already did - it’s called @brave
@kristovatlas I didn’t even know about Authy OneTouch; I guess none of the services I use support it…
Google Prompt is simplifying 2 factor authentication. I just set it up - it’s a breeze! https://t.co/qvGFemCBIB
@Papirys1 @masonic_tweets I’d say it’s both :-)
@alansilbert I wish it had worked for all the wars of aggression :-/
Unveiling of Solidity exploits will surely slow down development as projects reallocate more resources to security. https://t.co/Dde46N1OIl
@alansilbert Deadlocked government is my favorite kind of government.