@mikestable Demand proof of bunny feeding!
@least_nathan @kristovatlas Talk to @shannonNullCode about his blockchain based tamper evident video frame stamping idea.

Snail mail spammers are raising the bar: now they’re printing fake smudges on the fake handwriting. pic.twitter.com/HRPYGsOXN7
RT @gavinandresen: Competition drives innovation, chapter 11,903: https://t.co/HB8LiCLVSM
Read the comments on MSM articles and you can figure out if BTC is still undervalued. https://t.co/lHbtO9nc0C https://t.co/Vx5uDF2nxy
@hcarpach Difficult is a moot point when you’re talking about all miners as a whole - they are all sharing the same pie.

In past year:
Avg tx fee is ~2X in BTC
BTC is ~3X in USD
Tx fees are ~6X in USD
Miners are collecting ~10X in USD pic.twitter.com/rV8TVTs3EX