The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

June 16th, 2016

@alansilbert Skyrocketing - Bitcoin is failing its way upmarket every day!

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@alex Due to full blocks it is more competitive to get transactions confirmed. I wrote an article about fees & UX:

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mikebelshe Blockchain fees up 3x YoY. (fees-per-block / tx-per-block * daily BTC price)

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We appear to have surpassed 50% adoption of dynamically calculated bitcoin transaction fees last month.

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Child Pays for Parent has been merged into @bitcoincoreorg

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@juscamarena I’d expect it to be higher as well, assuming there still aren’t off-chain networks that are reliable & easy to use.

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@deadalnix If you aren’t making transactions, the transaction fees are irrelevant! ;-)

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If BTC->USD reaches $10,000, will the average transaction fee be over $3? There’s only one way to find out: HODL!

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Predicting the future is hard; hope you bought the dip…

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@kristovatlas @ryaneshea Where are my blaster pistols, Silicon Valley!?!?

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@socrates1024 You’d have to ask @TradeBlock, but I doubt “Total Value” is “Unique Value”

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@socrates1024 Total value doesn’t have as much meaning anyway since we don’t know how many coins are lost.

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@socrates1024 A better comparison is likely to the daily txn volume which also includes value that’s spent multiple times.

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@seweso *shrugs* anyone who claims to be able to tell real usage from attack transactions is just guessing.

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