The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

June 14th, 2018

@lwsnbaker @ummjackson @mikeinspace But is that covered by the EOS Constitution? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

via Twitter for Android in reply to lwsnbaker

Seccour_FR Bitcoiners are so poor that they keep using the same clothes for years

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 6:48 PM, Jun 14th, 2018 via Twitter for Android)

“These are exciting legal times” is not a statement I think any non-lawyer ever wants to hear.

via Twitter Web Client

RT @alansilbert: Introducing INX! We are building a regulated crypto & derivatives broker-dealer and ATS for institutions and retail inves…

via Twitter for Android

“Bitcoin, and cryptography in general, are defensive technologies that make the cost of defending property & inform…

via Twitter for Android

“Crypto anarchy is the cyberspacial realization of anarcho-capitalism, transcending national boundaries & freeing i…

via Twitter for Android

If you like @BitcoinWisdom (which has languished for years without much maintenance) you’ll love the new and improv…

via Twitter for Android is driving Lighting innovation via real-world stress testing. Over 8,000 daily users, 8,000…

via Twitter for Android

@el33th4xor @TaylorGerring Nakamoto Consensus can be the only consensus mechanism if you kneel before the throne of almighty hashpower. 😁

via Twitter for Android