@ljxie How about blockchain whisperer?
@CryptoMedicated I’ve never had it in my name or profile. Still growing! https://t.co/FGLSqu19WH
@bradmillscan Steve!
@jeffrade @gandibar Gandi gives you the first 2 TB for pretty cheap but the overages are expensive past that point.
@jeffrade @gandibar You mean in terms of bandwidth? I’ve seen my well connected node go as high as 3 TB upstream in… https://t.co/QFRrVQ4uLc
@Cryptonautikus @pmullr Try a browser refresh and wait a few seconds; seems to sporadically have issues loading.

visualblockchain.org is the first (AFAIK) realtime visualization of bitcoin spending by coin age. pic.twitter.com/yuj6GjO6bQ
@coinspectator @WhalePanda Pretty much 0; it could only work if folks are not verifying. That is, it could work as… https://t.co/9Osyxf5b1c
RT @khannib: You can now see the breakdown of how many BTC is stored in each multisig setup on https://t.co/BSQTsUzDN3
You can now listen to my latest interview, “Cypherpunks and the Rise of Cryptoassets” on the Beyond Disruption podc… https://t.co/BIN1n67tLp
@Twitter @TwitterSupport @jack The smarter crypto scambots instablock the accounts they are mimicking shortly after… https://t.co/Em6BnuXgtZ
@UliGall @Excellion Unclear, not sure it’s even possible for me to retrieve that raw transaction since it got thrown away.
@kryptografisi @minefarmbuy @gandibar It’s all virtualized but yeah it’s cores.
@paul_ferguson Probably because it doesn’t cost much to try and you could potentially fool some nodes that aren’t fully validating.
@MediumSqueeze I run a few flavors though I can’t say Arch is one of them… just never tried it.
Monthly bill breakdown for my (midrange performance) https://t.co/HN6b9OKPvS full node on @gandibar:
4 CPUs - $9.75… https://t.co/wZCICxlQ5D
@notontweetter @udiWertheimer You’re not validating “for everyone else” but rather verifying everything because you… https://t.co/moe2QNxT37
@crypto_eyed @Excellion This is a local log just for my node; nodes don’t share bad data as that would open a denial of service vector.
@Damrondl IMO the point of running a node is to abstract away the hard parts of consensus; the average user shouldn… https://t.co/LW2N7DK6sN

Is this you? Don’t worry, the answers are waiting for you at lopp.net/bitcoin.html pic.twitter.com/9GfE7ubUls
@Rptr45 It certainly wasn’t, it’s just fascinating that this feature was used IMMEDIATELY upon the launch of the network.
@notontweetter Inflating the money supply without consensus is defrauding the entire user base. Up to you whether o… https://t.co/FbydKJorzs
EOS is setting records left and right. File this under “fastest to fail at censorship resistance.” https://t.co/xBCvV7KD35
Bitcoin is an adversarial network; by my count there were 68 attempts in the past week to feed an invalid block to… https://t.co/Hi7OonOTds