@mikeinspace @MissHon73983988 And a concealed carry permit.
@mbrochh @bitstein $300M would be a good start for Rat Thing development. https://t.co/wIsfNEohok
@LightningK0ala @Blockstream @adam3us @Excellion @humanifold @Snyke @rusty_twit @LarryBitcoin @theinstagibbs… https://t.co/dQVbji2i1H
RT @CasaHODL: *PLEASE NOTE* We do not recommend placing “Secured by Casa” signs at your residence until after we release our Rat Thing lin…
cdixon Introducing a16z crypto a16zcrypto.com
I just published @CasaHODL’s Privacy Model https://t.co/D7SOjjVz21
@Roadfighter No, you want the threshold (m) to be lower than the total group size (n)
@FlyWhisperer Everyone who cares makes their own decision and consensus emerges from the chaos.
@Deeeeeeej_ Yeah, that was an odd mistake to make. They clearly aren’t economists.
This research on multi-hop locks for payment channel networks looks promising. Interestingly, the authors state tha… https://t.co/f4sgASvODX
You can block but you can’t hide, Twitter scambots! Just squashed my 200th impersonation account. Kudos to… https://t.co/UEWIkfji5y