The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

June 16th, 2018

Choose your friends carefully, folks. Stay frosty.

via Twitter for Android

@TuurDemeester Unfortunately, multiple presentations by multiple people.

via Twitter for Android in reply to TuurDemeester

It’s gauche to step onto a stage and disclose your highly profitable trades. And doing so while making a pitch is s…

via Twitter for Android

@crypto_jeronimo @unspecifiedllc IIRC they used the price history going back to 2010. Talk was recorded but IDK when it will be posted.

via Twitter for Android

.@unspecifiedllc ran a ton of machine learning algorithms over hundreds of data sets to find the best “predictor” o…

via Twitter for Android

Looks like the EOS network managed to stay up for a whole day before running into a showstopper bug that froze the…

via Twitter Web Client

“I’m not buying bitcoin because I don’t invest in things I don’t understand.”

That’s a great policy; on the other…

via Twitter Web Client

RT @SFBitcoinDevs: Video from @alexbosworth’s talk about submarine swaps is available!

via Twitter for Android