RT @bendavenport: 9/ The fact is, a HODLer choosing to hold a coin for even 1 month is 720 times as effective at generating base demand as…
@bytemaster7 @bittybitbit86 You’re equating resolving a consensus failure (the Bitcoin bdb locking bug) with revers… https://t.co/Hj90lbdeM4
coinableS Checkout my newest video, a short bitcoin market talk, why dollar cost averaging is a good idea now, and… youtu.be/leku–UsEQ?a
@XLdean I hope not, because biometrics are incredibly dangerous in the sense that if stolen from you, you can’t change your biological data.
@zeropassio @bytemaster7 You presume too much. It’s currently far too onerous to secure crypto assets, which is why… https://t.co/uwychcdNWM
@bbbowski Party’s problems were an entirely different issue related to smart contract security.
@weissjeffm You should not /only/ use bank vaults because they are vulnerable to insider theft and nation state attacks.
@ChrisAbnerter @Roadfighter The only decent guide I’m aware of is @pamelawjd’s Crypto asset inheritance planning. https://t.co/kmbLfX3DJd
@qudusato @mcnicollme BitGo has SegWit support; it looks like Copay still has not added it! https://t.co/0o3QUYyM35
@mcnicollme The most user friendly free multisig wallet is probably https://t.co/TJNZJkcTdl - not sure if there are… https://t.co/cxTtQn6SeI
@chrisdunnbirch Yep, humans are fallible; I expect humans to continue making mistakes for the forseeable future.
@WillSchulz29 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ either the fundamentals of a system are sound or they aren’t. A ton of individuals may choo… https://t.co/XLhFdSHBdp
Completely agree… Note that EOS already had 7 accounts frozen without arbitration in violation of Article IX of its… https://t.co/t12XY7JUKY
@Roadfighter Yes, you’re only really limited by your creativity. In general you’ll probably want to set up a system… https://t.co/s24e1TIJP6
This interpretation of the New York Agreement explains a lot about Dan’s perspective on governance. The Bitcoin com… https://t.co/QT9T2WdXn6
The most secure account is multi-sig with trusted first party - where all keys are held by yourself, but on a varie… https://t.co/5omzOxySqH