@asglidden @acityinohio @valkenburgh Live fully validated or die.
RT @soonaorlater: in case you missed the governance panel w @_jillruth @valkenburgh @VitalikButerin @lopp and @zooko, it’s up on youtube: h…
@JACarapeto Not possible due to the private nature of channel updates.
@econoar @hudsonjameson @EOS_io Hmmmm looks like they deleted the announcement page but left the link to it on their news page.
@GlobalLife365 @RonaldMcDonalt @FirstFrontierBC @baalzimon @ToneVays @peterktodd @LukeDashjr @aantonop @NickSzabo4… https://t.co/tx5VI0Musq
PaleBlueEN A Plan to Send Millions in #Bitcoin to #Venezuela Is Moving Ahead bit.ly/2Mr6apB via @coindesk

steve_hanke #Iran’s annual inflation rate measured for today, 6/28/18, is 132.15% pic.twitter.com/0jMCJpiFZt
@BitcoinVisuals Already on my to-do list https://t.co/ayk1NYXPSk
RT @TheStalwart: Incredibly bleak moment milestone for Venezuela. The cost of one cup of coffee just hit 1 million Bolivars. https://t.co/F…
RT @wiz: Excellent crypto-anarchy talk by @lopp “Constructing Crypto Castles” - Jameson Lopp & Jeremy Welch https://t.co/QnaVRsVJh2 @YouTu…
@lwsnbaker Right - looks like their node gets restarted about once a month.
@johnbiggs Nope, belongs to @BitcoinVisuals
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@_jonasschnelli_ Looks like another block storm, happens from time to time. https://t.co/ZL7hENTBfO
“Blockchain governance” has been conceptually stretched to the point of near meaninglessness. - @nic__carter
@stevenmosher @Carsten71071425 As with any network protocol, you can change the rules you are following. But since… https://t.co/B9uD5LTNLN

The votes have been tallied and the official Zcash mascot is now the “zeal” - a collection of zebras! pic.twitter.com/YcV2qc7AUF
@matthew_d_green What I love about Ethernet: the people who love it most have already abandoned it in their hearts,… https://t.co/nUrkddy2TH
@stevenmosher @Carsten71071425 It’s not going to have much effect to change only your wallet’s limits if everyone e… https://t.co/HpvYHfFhJ3
@stevenmosher The safety limits were implemented because there was general agreement that it was a good idea; anyon… https://t.co/UJ0hmMpSBy
The max allowed payment value is currently 0.042 BTC while the max channel funding value is 0.168 BTC. The difficul… https://t.co/uIFKSZgzRM
@taariqlewis @BlockCypher Just your standard block storm; some explorers either break or don’t bother trying to kee… https://t.co/fkJ1artzAv
RT @_CryptoAnarchy: Very pleased to announce the launch of our mailing list archive of the 90s era of the cypherpunks mailing list.
As far…