If you’re running a Bitcoin full node, you’re storing a copy of the Bitcoin whitepaper. H/T @jimmysong https://t.co/cfnLexQYmn
@cryptoguzzle @mikerelentless Lightning Network is the real Bitcoin Cache.
RT @pwuille: @jratcliff @HallaCal @hashamadeus @LukeDashjr @SatoshiLatino @ToneVays Greg Maxwell originally came up with the concept of seg…
@Nick_W_Young @MarkYusko Bitcoin’s value is backed by real resources & utility. There’s a feedback loop to those fa… https://t.co/YhyRrVz7Td
@Nick_W_Young @MarkYusko Investors who feel that way should zoom out and lower their time preference. Or perhaps th… https://t.co/8tkeq9ubjG
@nvk There’s a Twitter setting for that. You can tell Twitter not to notify you of replies from non-followers.
@mikerelentless False. It’s never possible to satisfy everyone’s demand for various use cases and there will always… https://t.co/RviD4zsvAf
@colingplatt @prestonjbyrne @ncweaver Interesting idea though it gets complicated by the fact that tether can be fr… https://t.co/HZ5XXEPf8y
@colingplatt @prestonjbyrne @ncweaver They’re both important - they’re kind of like multipliers of each other in terms of risk.
@ShafiqIslam0 I’m saying one of the reasons it’s so controversial is because each person’s view of what Bitcoin act… https://t.co/rvRhyB0Nqp
@SarahJamieLewis @AmberBaldet It’s probably safe to say that the majority of renowned thinkers throughout history w… https://t.co/s7nC2c2PVn
@colingplatt @prestonjbyrne @ncweaver Also, when it comes to 51% attacks there’s not much to do proactively. Counte… https://t.co/JYPldQhwyu
@colingplatt @prestonjbyrne @ncweaver You have to weigh the cost of the attack against the reward. This attack is o… https://t.co/ujRXyPR8PN
@prestonjbyrne @ncweaver Of course, and we /could/ spend our entire lives thinking up terrible things that could ha… https://t.co/myrKXqWLri
@ShafiqIslam0 I said no such thing. You seem to be assuming that my 280 character tweet is meant to be comprehensiv… https://t.co/Y87GepX84j

@ncweaver @prestonjbyrne How is all of that distributed offline equipment is going to collude to attack the network? pic.twitter.com/0uxJ1ZC6L8
You see Bitcoin not as it is, but as you are.
Environmentalists see an energy guzzling monster.
SJWs see gender &… https://t.co/cvf3Rurxth