@TheBlueMatt Don’t ruin the surprise! pic.twitter.com/psvjIE4IGM
We choose to take ⚡ to the 🌙 in this decade not because it is easy, but because it is NP-hard.
@satoshiPL subredditstats.com/r/bitcoin - has some missing data but I connected the dots
The rate of new subscribers to the /r/bitcoin subreddit slowed considerably after the exchange rate dropped, but it… https://t.co/UHNKUuAyN5
@TuurDemeester “he is nuts, I don’t even think that is a real name” 🤣
@killerstorm Or IPFS?
Bitcoin historian hell. pic.twitter.com/4Cjfq2dHfb
Daily visitors to https://t.co/POqNimM4uy peaked at 6,000 on January 5th and have bottomed out around 300 in late 2… https://t.co/SOrpSlT5VH
Georgia State Senator Michael Williams charged with insurance fraud for claiming that $300,000 worth of cryptocurre… https://t.co/Erxh8HTwEd
Amazon coins are up to 20% off today - buy the dip! /s
TIME “Why Bitcoin matters for freedom” mag.time.com/zntxSUI
@csuwildcat I shot you an email with a stats question - if you could provide me with any insights I’d appreciate it.
During 2018 Bitcoin fell from 19th to 49th position in terms of M1 money supply. pic.twitter.com/jyCz7oDEbg