RT @chris_belcher_: In case you didn’t already know, single-address website-generated “paper wallets” are really crappy and dangerous, and…
@zooko read between the tweets
RT @cryptochamomile: The US tech giants are building the most sophisticated censorship regime the world has ever seen, involving tens of th…
@weissjeffm I took extreme measures so that I didn’t have to burn the reputation tied to my real name. I also haven… https://t.co/EjoQCRGwpX
RT @BitcoinMagazine: in 2018, Bitcoin made advances regarding privacy, sidechains, and Schnorr signatures. Aaron Van Wirdum (@aaronvanw) lo…
Some folks have been perpetuating a “no true Cypherpunk” fallacy that real Cypherpunks remain as anonymous as possi… https://t.co/4jWwqnywlg
@TheCryptoBox Sounds dangerous. What happens if you step on a land mine or get taken hostage?
@WhalePanda @CasaHODL Someone should build a censorship resistant network for physical packages.