RT @nic__carter: So proud of the Coinmetrics team for this forensic analysis. One of the most fascinating case studies I’ve come across. Pr…
@kippwatson Loosely correlated, perhaps. You may be interested in this analysis: https://t.co/DVKMSQMrkh
Bitcoin’s UTXO set fell from 62M to 50M outputs during 2018, shedding a net UTXO every 2.6 seconds. This reversed m… https://t.co/AFYrbB69nd
@danheld If Bitcoin is like a plant, the logical next question IMO is “what are the epiphytes of Bitcoin?”
A green perspective: Bitcoin mining uses ~170% of the potential energy of the water flowing through Niagara falls. pic.twitter.com/FDROle9WEN
@APompliano In my experience most of them will think you’re crazy, remain uninterested, and despise you years later for being right.
@rperezmarco Short range attacks and long range attacks are two very different concerns, the complexities of either… https://t.co/8Gbwd8DtV0
@derekcapo It can, but it will be at higher layers rather than on the base layer. You can make the exact same argum… https://t.co/pOWh7zFXAc
@derekcapo If that was actually feasible, it would likely drop the average value. However, Bitcoin won’t support th… https://t.co/Si2I2Y9z5j
We saw yet again in 2018 that the value of UTXOs consumed (spent) appears to be uncorrelated with bitcoin’s exchang… https://t.co/Qyv7RmOhWb
The value of the average bitcoin transaction peaked at over $100,000 and declined 90% to $10,000 in 2018. This near… https://t.co/c4hBIXucP0
@qertoip I almost never work in public places, so it’s not something I’ve looked into.
@rperezmarco @mbrochh The “proof of work days” chart is merely a statistic. It makes no assumptions about the feasibility of such an attack.