@kim0raku @alexbosworth @Ragnarly It’s not possible to know and that’s a feature.
@ubolator @pierre_rochard These are all relevant concerns that node operators will need addressed - especially for enterprise operations.
@WayneVaughan 20 Facecoins says it’s more centralized database than distributed cryptocurrency.
@ubolator @pierre_rochard One question I would be interested in knowing is what happens if you subscribe lnd to a l… https://t.co/ZkUSIBGkLw
@ubolator @pierre_rochard Your request as I understood it was for Core node redundancy, not lightning node redundan… https://t.co/OTiU0tL4f8
@AmberBaldet Wait until he finds out that matter is energy!
@ubolator @pierre_rochard All you should really need is a load balancer with a reasonably smart health check.
@kyletorpey I don’t believe Paul Krugman is qualified to differentiate between technical jargon and technobabble. O… https://t.co/G4yqJkY3Fu
@ladislavtweet Top 5 ICOs of 2018 took over 40% of all funds raised. coindesk.com/ico-tracker
Funds raised via ICOs:
2014: $30M
2015: $9M
2016: $245M
2017: $5,482M
2018: $16,718M
@BenLearnsTradin BitInstant, Coinbase, Ripple, and Gliph. https://t.co/SO8lzZhZgt
Blockchain industry venture capital funding:
2012: $2.33M
2013: $120.11M
2014: $368.81M
2015: $601.25M
2016: $597.4… https://t.co/IVRYwk6Log
Cryptology ePrint Archive papers mentioning Bitcoin:
2011: 1
2012: 3
2013: 8
2014: 18
2015: 20
2016: 26
2017: 24
20… https://t.co/Q7IuXmqJYU
@Adam_Hayes_1 I suspect that some content is getting backdated; the “2009” number increases every year I check these stats.
@hexlib From Jan 1 - Dec 31 of the given year.
@francispouliot_ If you elect me as benevolent dictator for life of Jameson Cash, I’ll put a node under every tree… https://t.co/QObJeI0d4b
Google Scholar articles published mentioning Bitcoin:
2009: 83
2010: 136
2011: 427
2012: 737
2013: 1,570
2014: 3,79… https://t.co/beZLFLfLsA
@darraez Indeed, though if you come across any that aren’t listed, you can submit them here: https://t.co/mrMiRKtJtd
@WhalePanda Prepare the Bitcoin Obituaries obituary!
Countries with the most relative interest in searching for Bitcoin in 2018. Ghana and Nigeria have replaced Austral… https://t.co/BDTNSgpXT8
Bitcoin obituaries proclaimed per year:
2010: 1
2011: 6
2012: 1
2013: 15
2014: 29
2015: 39
2016: 28
2017: 125
2018:… https://t.co/cJrIYDSAiS
@fluffypony Every true Lambro knows scissor doors.
CasaHODL To all of YOU, from your Casa fam… pic.twitter.com/U5bow71fSM
@CElston To answer your question: no, you should not waste your time conversing with con men.
@nic__carter @twobitidiot @leartulaj @QWQiao My experience with Coinbase in NC 3 years ago: https://t.co/lEa3cSc5Ix
@mechanikalk I use that title as a test; it comes in handy.
@weissjeffm Exactly - as I’ve said for some time, the smartest folks are the ones who were paranoid from the beginn… https://t.co/qT4j3t8e8Y
@BryanMicon Indeed, though I suspect some additional automation technology may be required in order to deploy this… https://t.co/zXjME8BDF6
Asymmetric attack - for a couple hundred bucks you can disrupt the travel of a hundred thousand people. Airports n… https://t.co/w5P1g6mgyT