The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

January 12th, 2019

CryptoMarigny @lopp Bitcoin is a fine vessel to navigate the winds of change but there are many perils in the Sea of Shitcoins

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 7:41 PM, Jan 12th, 2019 via Twitter for Android)

RT @bitstein: Miners are free to mine any block they’d like.

Devs are free to write any code they’d like.

Node operators are free to run…

via Twitter for Android

@MediumSqueeze No worries, that was pre-Bitcoin!

via Twitter Lite

@MediumSqueeze Personally, I hoped that it would enable me to surround myself with a new social group of smart folk…

via Twitter Lite

@coryklippsten @nntaleb Interestingly enough, I’m a Mensa member - I founded Mensa’s Bitcoin Special Interest Group…

via Twitter Lite

You fools, the government is shut down! Who’s going to stop you from transporting the pelican without a permit? 🤦‍♂️

via Twitter Lite

@r0ckstardev @Piotr14Tra @francispouliot_ I think @giacomozucco was the first to jokingly say Bitcoin Supremacists…

via Twitter Web Client

Government downtime: the best kind of downtime. Think Trump can get it down to one nine of uptime for 2019?

via Twitter Web Client

@ryscar13 Indeed. In my experience super high IQ folks tend to have trade-offs with their social skills.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to ryscar13

@mcnicollme Are there any standard / reputable EQ tests?

via Twitter Web Client

IQ is a grade of your logic in a low stress environment. It doesn’t show that someone is a good communicator or tea…

via Twitter Web Client

@frostysmoothone Yep, I’ve been unable to open the box without destroying either the box or the single sticker.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to frostysmoothone