The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

January 25th, 2019

@LegalDaVinci @jonfavs @flyosity I think Trump is a good thing in one specific way - that hopefully he will open so…

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@jonfavs @flyosity Your math is off - it’s been 2 years, 5 days, 2 hours, and 40 minutes.

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RT @RainDogDance: Co-authored with @staring_at, the edited and corrected Russian translation of the article “Who Controls Bitcoin Core?” (b…

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@jgarzik On a scale of 0 to 10 how helpful did you find law enforcement to be?

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@bitstein Mr. Henry must be pretty trigger happy on the block button because I’m blocked by him despite having neve…

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RT @AaronvanW: Taproot, an idea first proposed by Greg Maxwell that’s now being realized by several of the most prolific Bitcoin Core devs,…

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