Excellent. Now we just need to get some other large governments to buy into the bcash narrative that miners control… https://t.co/nowC7YD0rX
@CryptoZach710 @StopAndDecrypt @PeterMcCormack @CryptoDeleted Good job managing to fit three falsehoods into a single sentence!
@DanDarkPill @Excellion @karbonbased @magicalcrypto @Blockstream @mdudas @cz_binance @udiWertheimer this is a compl… https://t.co/tu9UQ7qemR
Go ahead, delete it. The @Wikipedia page for Bitcoin was deleted in July of 2010 and it wasn’t a big deal. It ended… https://t.co/prlWAG2ld8
Looking forward to reading a follow-up @coinmetrics analysis of the @KeybaseIO XLM airdrop to see if it “mostly wor… https://t.co/RGhm3dMr7q