It’s because on one hand you’ve got the I’m-here-to-get-rich-quick crowd (who are likely to scam or be scammed) and…
@eric_lombrozo *People who only watch the price
@MeanHash Correct; I’m sorry you have poor reading comprehension.
@MeanHash You clearly didn’t read the article.
@TheCrypt0Mask @CryptoGainz1 That’s fine, the outcome ends up being the same.
@grinder_o The game is afoot! 😉
@CryptoGainz1 I recommend you improve your reading comprehension.
@smilinglllama TL;DR: The owner of the deleted tweets bot broke their agreement with Twitter, so Twitter removed their account.
@odtorson @nic__carter @CryptoMoneditas @CryptoDeleted Ding ding ding, you’re the only one who got it right.
In which I explain how last week’s “cancel culture” mob got played. Don’t @ me with your outrage; it doesn’t bother…
@_wooko_ Please provide a falsifiable prediction of when BSV will “kill all the other coins” so that I can set a reminder to laugh.
@_wooko_ Careful, your ignorance is showing. BitGo powers quite a few exchange platforms.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. BSV is essentially delisting itself 🤣