The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

August 10th, 2020

“The fact is that the average man’s love of liberty is nine-tenths imaginary, exactly like his love of sense, justi…

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The word “scam” is used too often in the crypto space; strive for specificity!

Few scams are simple ponzi schemes…

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Just when you think you’ve seen it all…

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“Hey, can you help me find the bitcoin you sent me several years ago?”

The message every early adopter dreads.

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Question authority.
Run the numbers.

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@galgitron By definition such evidence can not exist in the blockchain, but there have been plenty of double spends…

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@galgitron Your claim seems built upon the premise that a double spend would kill Bitcoin, which is absurd. There h…

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Healthy mempool stratification today!
Think of your time preference; don’t overpay!

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@galgitron My article specifically references a nation state attack against mining pools; maybe you should re-read…

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RT @WillHash4Coins: 1/ Lopp brings up an important point: it’s much much easier for China to take control of a few mining pools than hundre…

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@pierre_rochard can you audit The Fed next?

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@ljxie Ethereum had an early narrative of “Bitcoin 2.0” that transitioned through a few other phases and now seems…

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@bloktechnewyork Controlling hashrate != controlling blockchain.

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