The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

August 26th, 2020

@DMN737 @cryptonadafomo Weight = cumulative PoW.

Longest chain is a flaw from the very early days that Satoshi corrected in 2009 IIRC.

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@DMN737 @cryptonadafomo Chain length is meaningless.

Chain weight is what determines the best chain.

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@cryptonadafomo It’s the accumulation of all the work from all the block hashes.

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@cryptonadafomo And rewrite the entire chain? No; every bitcoin node checks the cumulative proof of work of the ent…

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@cryptonadafomo You seem to be referring to an often overblown attack that would require rewriting years of PoW and…

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@VegasTopPicks Short term price stability is not one of Bitcoin’s strengths.

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The unfortunate truth is that Bitcoin’s strengths shine strongest when the world is at its darkest.

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@kyletorpey You just described Twitter’s chief user engagement strategy.

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RT @CtrlPew: I now accept bitcoin at and I’m running my own instance of BTCPay Server for all your kyc concerns. (S…

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@wullon @_jonasschnelli_ The short version is that the platform is generally irrelevant when it’s a security token…

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@_jonasschnelli_ And if the company changes to a different platform in the future, do I regain my ethos and integri…

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@_jonasschnelli_ False. I never advised anyone to use Ethereum; it had already been determined by the time I was br…

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@_jonasschnelli_ Because there’s no shame in receiving options in return for your work. I’ve accepted options from…

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@shaftab @CasaHODL Been there, done that. Not keen to revisit.

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@fst_nml @_jonasschnelli_ If I’m broke, how am I sponsoring a dozen Bitcoin developers? 🤷‍♂️

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@_jonasschnelli_ I accepted the advisory role well before any promise of tokens, though I realize I can’t prove my…

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Bitcoin HODL strength is increasing; accumulation addresses have exceeded the 2018 peak. Accumulation addresses are…

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@HavMercyBaby @jillruthcarlson No. Jill is spot on when it comes to the ever-increasing complexity of the crypto ec…

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@TimmyPIB It’s certainly possible that a breakthrough in computing will break the crypto used for old P2PK addresse…

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@Knalpaard General estimates around 4M though you can debate whether or not the Patoshi coins should be included.

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More bitcoins have been lost in the past 10 years than will be found in the next 100 years.

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