The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

April 3rd, 2021

@brucefenton Maybe we can get Bitcoin’s Chief Legal Counsel to sue him for slander.

via Twitter for Android in reply to brucefenton

@realsilverrider @nathanweb3 Depends on what you’re doing. Ledger blindly signs many smart contract transactions; y…

via Twitter for Android

Embrace software minimalism. Don’t download software unless you truly need it.

Every app, every widget, every brow…

via Twitter for Android

If you’re constantly checking the price of bitcoin, you’re constantly wasting your time.

It’s also a red flag that…

via Twitter for Android

I once again find myself sitting in the midst of hundreds of unmasked randos…


via Twitter for Android

RT @huvegi: Coming up shortly, more discussion about #Bitcoin security and privacy with @lopp, @mflaxman, and @jimmysong, moderated by @mpe…

via Twitter Web App