@twobitidiot Casa has The Big Red Button pic.twitter.com/NlrkGJyJQR
`bitcoin-cli getblockhash
$((678059+20)) | cut -b64 | grep -q ‘[02468ace]’ && echo MTP || echo
I support t… https://t.co/idnlS1VXbS
It’s called a bull market.
I’d expect this statement to hold true for any crypto company with a halfway decent bus… https://t.co/DcFRgrA9RV
Imagine being one of the oldest and largest companies in the Bitcoin industry and only owning 5% as much BTC as @MicroStrategy
@ricardoplopes @AnitaPosch @Ghost It looks like they are sent by the ghost server I’m running.
Received: from loca… https://t.co/04aae64iev
Coinbase reports having 56 million users and holding custody of over 11% of all crypto assets by value. https://t.co/gA5UjkdVkz
@tmsbtc @DenizMSaat @coinbeastmedia @CasaHODL You’re not entirely wrong; the company that is now named Casa was ori… https://t.co/l5CyibsfQc
@AnitaPosch @Ghost I am self hosting; it has been very stable for the year or two that I’ve been running it.
I updated my blog to @Ghost 4.0 and now there’s a subscription feature if you’d like to be notified of new posts by… https://t.co/6xauhd2bZB
@DrSpacemn @laurashin @mcuban @dallasmavs More like security and operational nightmare. https://t.co/YuXBVkXaIb
You have the right to be an asshole.
This right is best exercised sparingly.
Beware when authorities try to take this right away.
@DrSpacemn @laurashin @mcuban @dallasmavs I spent several years building infrastructure on Ethereum and other networks.
@laurashin @mcuban @dallasmavs So the guy who doesn’t see baseball cards or art as an investment is now bullish on… https://t.co/fnPDP45THk
@CGDMedici Doubt there’s any correlation.
Some of the biggest OG Bitcoin whales have fewer than 1,000 Twitter followers.
The wealthiest people in the world do not disclose their holdings to the folks who publish wealth rankings.