The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

April 11th, 2021

RT @jchervinsky: Gov’t: you can’t do private transactions
You: why?
Gov’t: you might be doing something bad
You: but I’m not
Gov’t: we’ll b…

via Twitter Web App

RT @BookofNick: The dollar is run by an unaccountable private org that creates money from thin air to buy debt from banks, who in turn loan…

via Twitter for Android

@Btc4R I don’t have anything rigid, just stick to simple meat & vegetables. If I want a faster breakfast I’ll do bu…

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Beware the narcissism of wanting to prove yourself correct today. History has a way of settling debates on its own.

via Twitter for Android

Treat your bank account as you would a hot wallet.

Don’t keep more money in it than you’re willing to lose.

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