lopp This is what it’s like trying to time the markets. ‘Tis easier, safer, and less stressful to HODL. pic.twitter.com/Eq4NNyqnfX
TIL that 14 African countries are forced to keep their currency reserves at and send international payments through the French central bank.
RT @SovrynBTC: Decentralized, non-custodial #bitcoin!
@EdanYago was catching up with @lopp at @TheBitcoinConf where they talked about the…
RT @fillippone1: Choose wisely! https://t.co/6ezf1F2WyT
“To know about hyperinflation in theory is nothing like living through it.”
- @RicardoBSalinas
“Pro-blockchain is anti-Bitcoin.” - Peter Thiel
The photo of me in body armor with an AR-15 vs Vitalik in unicorn PJs just made it into Peter Thiel’s keynote slide… https://t.co/Q7V9pT81Xn
“Every crypto exchange needs to integrate Lightning Network if they want to remain competitive.” - @saylor

“Bitcoin is becoming a bipartisan political issue.” - @CathieDWood pic.twitter.com/PaJYLQOHUZ

The main stage at Bitcoin 2022 can be best described as cavernous. pic.twitter.com/Yuu18zd3rb
RT @Trezor: @TheBitcoinConf @pavolrusnak If you missed the livestream, you can enjoy the “Defining the standards of Taproot & MultiSig†pan…
3 men invaded a home in Hoboken, Belgium, and attempted to relieve the owner of 3 million euros worth of bitcoin. T… https://t.co/9bd3vDY3Bx
They didn’t have enough evidence to charge the suspect with a crime. https://t.co/KcdTnx0UDC