Covfefe? pic.twitter.com/EkQ3XW0heE
RT @lopp: April 15 2018: Bitcoin holds 42% market cap dominance over 1,500 shitcoins.
April 15 2022: Bitcoin holds 41% market cap dominanc…
RT @lopp: Diversity of membership makes organizations more robust by reducing blind spots. However, it’s diversity of thought that matters…
@allenf32 ain’t nobody wanna censor your wedding mrs allen
@lightcoin IIRC it gets added if you activate “Twitter for Professionals”
@RBReich Free speech means that you’re free to speak (but not to be heard) without fearing Elon uses his power to have you thrown in a cage.

The recently rolled out “author” tag makes me think that Twitter is giving up trying to fight impersonation bots. pic.twitter.com/ouMwETuhHW
@ChrisDunnTV Play zero sum games, win zero sum prizes.
April 15 2018: Bitcoin holds 42% market cap dominance over 1,500 shitcoins.
April 15 2022: Bitcoin holds 41% marke… https://t.co/9PcuhKK2ee
@Arthur_0x Gnosis is multisig. All of the others are MPC. Can’t use hardware key managers with MPC.