@jack I gave a lecture on this song to my college music theory class. *chef’s kiss*
@Gravecat You just described freedom of association.
I run my on mastodon instance, don’t allow anyone else to reg… https://t.co/980z1jbIOJ
@paoloardoino Recruiter: “I have an amazing opportunity for you to work at a FAANG corp!”
Me: ಠ_à²
@MalwareTechBlog Ser you gotta run your own instance if you wish to be sovereign.
I, for one, look forward to Twitter open sourcing their algorithms. I’ve been trying to reverse engineer them for a decade!
@bradmillscan @nvk He blocked me but still quote tweets me. WEAK

dinosaur markets be like pic.twitter.com/plJ66jJ9GQ
Bitcoin Core 23.0 has been released 🎉
I contributed a bit of code myself 🙂
John Oliver aired an epic episode on data brokers recently. Highly recommend watching if you’re unfamiliar with thi… https://t.co/3lonwfTJyE
RT @lopp: When you’ve got to get rid of stranded gas and don’t have any Bitcoin miners. https://t.co/B2YynB5zPO