We look forward to reviewing your BIP, @e_cheikos https://t.co/4uMCvFt33v
@jespow Bring
Can you believe Elon is bolstering unfettered speech instead of ending world hunger, preventing poverty, and stopping war? The nerve!
New York doing a great job continuing to ban themselves from prosperity. https://t.co/PYi9Sa7Ftv
RT @btc_brothers: #Bitcoin2022 panel summary of “Preventing Attacks on Bitcoin” ft. @LukeDashjr @kanzure @lopp & moderated by @brian_trollz…
The lower your time preference when raising and cooking your meat, the more delicious and nutritious it will be.
People wouldn’t be so upset about censorship if platforms built their signal/noise tools as opt-in client-side feat… https://t.co/qt3jxZNd8q
When cryo meets crypto…
Can we take our Bitcoin with us after we die?
Can we use it to incentivize our future re… https://t.co/mnxOyIo1en
Satoshi Nakamoto
first of their name
forger of chains
slayer of central banks
coder of freedom
gone but not forgott… https://t.co/JU4o2D34ix
RT @CasaHODL: The year is 2122. You thaw out of cryogenics. Is your #Bitcoin still safe?
Find out later today at our next Twitter Space.
@JeremyRubin I believe my first contribution was to Bitcoin Core 0.11.0 - https://t.co/ezZJX3ih8S
My contributions… https://t.co/0rDSD23Cvv
@vnprc I tend to get a commit in every few releases. It’s usually due to issues I run into while doing other projects / research.
Breaking agreements with yourself undermines your integrity just as much as breaking agreements with others.