@FreedomIsntSafe Lost all my apple tokens in the terrible maple syrup drainage incident of ’22!
@xavierfiechter There is MPC of course, though it’s a pretty different beast.
@xavierfiechter The main difference I’m aware of is that SLIP39 is standardized now, which is nice.
“The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule it.”
- H.L. Mencken
@waltmossberg Ain’t no such thing as free. If the person seeking verification isn’t directly paying for it, they’re..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…LT
lopp Filling your home with smart devices is a not so smart long term decision. pic.twitter.com/IoTbd2UKcS
@BashCo_ “THE mempool” pic.twitter.com/jIJy6IJvLW
ErikVoorhees Imagine if the FDA met once per month to decide how much food should be produced.
Imagine every commentator parsi..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…X7
The best way to master a skill is not to practice it, but to teach it.
RT @LearnMoreWithC4:
@zavid110 Clearly calls for an experiment. For science!
@AOC Looks like you’d benefit from Twitter Blue’s edit tweet feature. Just sayin’
@forkinggizmo I already pay for Twitter Blue just to access the undo and edit tweet features.
@Snowden Porcupines are cuter than people realize! twitter.com/lopp/status/15…
@elonmusk I like where this is going… blog.lopp.net/why-twitter-mu…
lopp Some of the biggest OG Bitcoin whales have fewer than 1,000 Twitter followers.