If current trends continue, this is how I envision a day in the life of the dystopian future. Little privacy, poor..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…tn
@BTCMinstrel I think the delimiters are interchangeable, but I’m not certain.
lopp The sanctity of Bitcoin’s effective money supply is in peril if we don’t foster a culture of responsibility and sel..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…yV

Impressive. MidJourney prompt consists of a couple dozen instructions: pastebin.com/JRX1t718 pic.twitter.com/5TmMwlthvi

lopp Yield farming explained in 30 seconds: pic.twitter.com/R8HnQXiZaN
@CheeksPaulo @CasaHODL Same answer. Sovereign recovery can be performed by free desktop software.
RT @Croesus_BTC: Quick math:
-330k BTC mined / year this halving era
-FTX has -$1.4B in BTC on books, meaning 80k BTC
-Assuming incurred th…
@cculianu FYI, interested to hear your thoughts on the results. twitter.com/lopp/status/15…
CasaHODL If exchanges go out of business: your bitcoin is stuck for years going through bankruptcy process, and you maybe ne..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…8L
The sanctity of Bitcoin’s effective money supply is in peril if we don’t foster a culture of responsibility and sel..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…yV
Incredibly impressed by @OpenAI’s Whisper transcription software.
I tested its performance on 4 machines and its a..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…zJ
In @CasaHODL’s latest research report we’re releasing an updated performance comparison of enterprise-grade Electru..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…m1

Don’t be fooled.
There’s no such thing as safe CEX. pic.twitter.com/WR5QtVxY4y
lopp I don’t have faith in Bitcoin. My world view is based upon the assumption that individuals generally act in rationa..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…16