Bloomberg TV airs private key for a Bitcoin address; good guy Bitcoiner “steals” it to secure it for original owner.
First Instagram starts auto-playing videos, now Facebook is doing it. Fuck this shit; if I’m interested then I’ll make the choice to click.
Silk Road 2 is dead. Long live Silk Road.
@flyosity I’ve found that talking about cool stuff on Facebook garners almost no discussion whatsoever on FB. Talking about myself does.
@MailChimp Yep, it would be nice though if you allowed editing on phones in a text-only manner. Obviously serious design on a phone is silly
Iron butt, brass balls, heart of stone, mind like a steel trap.
@jefft I’m not worried. Even if I’m dirt poor, I’d never get married again without a pre-nup.
You’re SOL if you need to create a @MailChimp campaign on a mobile device. Neither their web app nor Android app allows you to.
Met a wise man who told me that if you don’t get remarried within 5 years of a divorce, you likely won’t for decades. I’m inclined to agree.
jim_adler Time To Rethink Democracy In A Digital Age