@jefft I’ve noticed both upstream & downstream quite diminished on my Bitcoin node, though bandwidth tests max out. Something stinks, @TWC
@emilepetrone nah, I just wanna shoot stuff and make it prettier rather than uglier for a change.
All I want for Christmas is a new garden. flowershell.com
@averyj LOL don’t be that guy. Even the Jalapeños are overpriced at this point.
@drewpotential Good. Now you are ready for Dogecoin. dogecoin.com
That awkward moment when someone near you says “excuse me” and you have no idea why…
@averyj Holy carp there’s already gambling games. I swear, the time to set up a new crypto economy is exponentially decreasing.
@averyj Throw a doge a bone, will ya?
@averyj Laugh all you want; the funniest part is that if enough people actually use it then it is legitimized.
@flyosity Only $50,000 per day, eh? I wonder if we’ll truly enter into a dystopia where the rich first worlders live forever.
YES. “Transcendence” featuring Johnny Depp & Morgan Freeman. The Singularity is coming… https://t.co/rHk7zeyFA7
@JoelSutherland Since you never disclosed your source, here’s what I was referring to RE: mining energy consumption. http://t.co/cYRqmECLCM
Imagine a world in which the at-home audience of TV game shows can not only participate, but also win. http://t.co/sSPAK12Uou
@gigq Wow. Much currency. Very delicious.
@drewpotential under worst case conditions right now, the blockchain could grow by 288MB per day. BTC Foundation needs to update the site.