Apparently you can now ‘sync’ your Twitter account with AMEX to sell your soul for cash back by twatting silly hashtags such as #AmexAmazon
Death, taxes, and change.
@Dexwell_ @chronic Yeah, no. If it was that easy, the spread between exchanges would be arbitraged away in an instant.
@flyosity Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee
@danlowe Shopping while everyone is in church / asleep FTW
@Freerunnering Bitcoin is changing the world by causing paradigm shifts. The exciting stuff is just beginning!
@bwertz @emilepetrone This is a natural cycle of growth that shall continue until Bitcoin is actually mainstream. Patience :-)
Unmarked police vehicle is not quite so unmarked when there is a ruggedized laptop mounted on the dashboard…
“Hi Mom, send BTC” sign holder on College Gameday has received $22,000+ in BTC donations.