shitmydadsays “1st amendment doesn’t protect assholes from criticism. The right to act like an asshole and be called an asshole’s the same fucking right.”
RT @matthew_d_green: If the NSA is manipulating financial accounts, say to fund operations, it could end them.
Congratulations to @alxwinter for the successful funding of @deepwebmovie !
@evanbooth in my expert opinion, you have the raw materials for a WMD
RT @rogerkver: Overstock CEO says ‘money is too important to leave in the hands of government officials’
Bitcoin to the rescue!…
slashdot Scientists Extract RSA Key From GnuPG Using Sound of CPU
Word on the net has it that @Overstock is planning on accepting Bitcoin in the second half of 2014.
@flyosity ZOMG, they hacked credit cards! They’re not secure! Game over man, game over.
@jefft Thanks for the laugh, that’s just what I needed. A banker who thinks monetary systems can’t work without central banks.
I had a nightmare last night that there was a zombie outbreak and my group of survivors could only find .22 bolt action rifles.
@tqbf it is infinite, but more factors than simply supply must be taken into account to determine the value of a cryptocurrency