Hoverboards are out; Golfboards are in! https://t.co/tEQcCmF6Zi
The latest episode of @TheSimpsons, “The Girl Code,” is full of Silicon Valley win. https://t.co/55O71BitFU
@taariqlewis @shibuyashadows @kristovatlas Payment request from merchant should indicate RBF not accepted; wallet should autoselect.
@shibuyashadows @taariqlewis Depends upon the value of the transaction versus the inconvenience caused by waiting.
@taariqlewis Divide over RBF appears to be adversarial perspective versus real-world experience that most txns aren’t made by adversaries.
@aantonop Apparently @nullc is still chillaxin https://t.co/IAiEVJEHmn
“Dangerously low levels of inflation” 😂
Dangerous for whom?
@gavinandresen @el33th4xor I covered these concepts in my speculative post on mining: https://t.co/SwtZjfR3j9
mattblaze One problem with Chaum’s backdoor proposal is that it’s not actually a proposal; few details, unclear even what the application is.
You lost me at the controversial carefully controlled backdoor council. https://t.co/xR7dQBwG2f
In my experience, most people don’t care enough about security to expend resources on it until it’s too late. https://t.co/kVp8A2nV2z
“There are only as many nodes on the Bitcoin network as there is demand to perform independent trustless validation of transactions.” @spair
@kristovatlas Seems fine; I know my nodes currently have months-old txs in their mempools. 300MB = 2 days of backlog though, not 3 days…
As of the 0.12 release, Bitcoin Core nodes will have a default limit of 300MB for the mempool & transactions will be evicted after 72 hours.
balajis Bitcoin is backed by an international network rather than a nation state.
Millions of people are behind it - just not in the same place.
@ryanxcharles “What happens when there are no more coins to mine / lots of coins are lost?”