Enjoyed visiting @camharvey’s Innovation & Cryptoventures class at @DukeFuqua. @mac_devine shared insight on @IBM’s blockchain IoT work. :-)
If you want an energy drink that’s healthy and tastes refreshing rather than sugary, try @drinkmati. https://t.co/1Z7B4QSfux
@DollarJones But the thing about Bitcoin is that the status quo is extremely strong. This is a strength - makes it hard to corrupt.
@DollarJones When voice fails, the only alternative is exit - each node operator must run the rules they want and hope others follow.
@DollarJones Via hierarchies, sure. Which is how it works now. Teams of developers debate changes & offer code to users to run.

Performance improvements: despite tx volume & block sizes increasing, block validation is 10X faster than 1 year ago pic.twitter.com/cIeoOXFCAG
@bitstein @pierre_rochard I hear we might get gigatweets soon!
@pierre_rochard Twitter is the platform of reductionism :-)
Similarly, everything above choosing and running your own code (trying to influence code others run) is politics. https://t.co/OP8GXAvxvr
Every Bitcoin user is expected to act in their own interest.
Every user chooses the rules to which they agree.
Consensus emerges organically
Bitcoin does not have:
* Governance
* A social contract
* Any (technically) unchangeable rules