@kristovatlas @jonhbit Indeed; general problem is that we waste time arguing about protocol changes when we don’t start from same principles
RT @mikebelshe: It’s a pleasure to work with @lopp @bitgo - today he writes on how to save bitcoin @coindesk https://t.co/CQdN4fJUhv
@AscensionKelsey Armory mode shouldn’t matter; to verify your node is accepting connections use “check node” tool at bitnodes.21.co
@AscensionKelsey I recommend checking out this great guide to running a node: bitcoin.org/en/full-node
A change in Bitcoin Core 0.11 to counter Eclipse attacks quadrupled size of address manager: https://t.co/3jt5RKXLL0 https://t.co/8rKVhRC7Tx