The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

January 15th, 2016

@EMC2Whale If you’re having fee estimation problems, I recommend switching to a wallet with better fee logic.

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@EMC2Whale @pmccall777 You may be interested in my speculative post about the long term future of mining:

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@EMC2Whale @pmccall777 Bitcoin is still operational; it remains to be seen how it will scale and be used in the future.

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@kristovatlas @JustusRanvier As of Core 0.12, any “delayed confirmation” that exceeds 72 hours will be rejected.

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santisiri 1) There’s some very serious lobbying going on with Bitcoin these days. More than we have ever seen before, highlighting its importance.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 2:04 PM, Jan 15th, 2016 via Twitter Web Client)

@yrashk Mike handed over the reins to Andreas @schildbach several months ago.

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@Aquentys The user who had originally made the post noticed that it had been stickied and decided to edit it to make a statement.

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@alansilbert Reward for such critics is short term joy of laughing at those who relentlessly build. Builders will reap the long term reward.

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This post was stickied to the top of /r/bitcoin for several glorious hours yesterday. Censorship ain’t easy.

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