@taoeffect @JustusRanvier @kristovatlas It sounds like this is a contentious issue without consensus :-D
@kristovatlas @JustusRanvier It’s possible to make a change to a system that simultaneously decentralizes one aspect and centralizes another
@kristovatlas @JustusRanvier Sure: (de)centralization is not a metric, it’s a direction. It can be applied to any number of actual metrics.

kristovatlas I’m still jazzed that @BitGo added a Google Authenticator option for 2FA for extra privacy. pic.twitter.com/7FfGWFVds5
@JustusRanvier @coindesk Hooray for segwit!
@JustusRanvier @coindesk Devs should provide node operators with high value at low cost in order to get more decentralization :-)
@JustusRanvier @coindesk We need UTXO commitments
@JustusRanvier @coindesk Indeed - I don’t see “centralization” or “decentralization” as metrics, but rather directions of movement.

coindesk In-Depth: How to Save Bitcoin’s Node Network from Centralization bit.ly/1OXiDhd by @lopp pic.twitter.com/TFF9oYmFf9