The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

July 11th, 2016

Bitcoin unspent transaction output breakdown by value and total bytes. H/T @pwuille

via Twitter Web Client

@MadBitcoins On the bright side, @coinbase may be drastically reducing contention for block space and thus keeping transaction fees lower.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to MadBitcoins

Police around the country are reminding Pokemon players that trespassing is a bad idea.

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It’s only a matter of time before the Darwin Awards start rolling in.

via Twitter Web Client

@maddenw @gavinandresen Tall order. Seems to me that people keep posting transactions regardless of mempool / fees.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to maddenw

RT @kristovatlas: osx-config-check, a tool for securely configuring and auditing OS X. I’d love your feedback.

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(Problems With) Hiding Money: CoinJoins via @coinlab

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@fluffyponyza Exactly - and there are orders of magnitude more types of Twitter followers than Pokemon 😀

via Twitter for Android in reply to fluffyponyza

Twitter’s much more challenging to win, though. There are few rules. Battles are settled in court of public opinion.

via Twitter for Android